Fertility Awareness is the practice of having self awareness surrounding your own fertility. The degree to which someone uses fertility awareness for health and wellness varies from person to...
I went to a cafe the other day and ordered a hot chocolate and salt and vinegar chips. It was a very hot summer day and all I wanted was hot chocolate with some salt on the side!
This is the...
Red Raspberry Leaf and nectarine iced tea in the making!
Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) tastes gently sweet and earthy, and is a uterine and pelvic tonic. The way I’ve made it here...
There’s not much that’s scarier than feeling a lump in your breast area. Trust me, I know!
Since puberty, I always had lumpy breast tissue. My breasts felt dense and tender. I stayed...
Ovulation always comes first. You can not have a true menstrual period without having ovulated. Confirming ovulation yourself each cycle is the only way to know for sure if you had / are having...
Ovulating is the way we make progesterone!
Some key benefits of progesterone include:
- a calming restorative effect to the nervous system
- promotes good sleep and a good mood
- keeps...