
Vitex: Not (always) the New Pill for Womenā€™s Ills, Part III female reproductive system hormonal imbalance vitex women's health


I know, I know! I’ve said before how much I love Vitex-- a beautiful, potent medicinal plant. And yet. 

Similarly to how Western medicine recommends “the pill” for all...

For the Love of Vitex, Chaste Tree and Monkā€™s Pepper, Part I female reproductive system fertility awareness hormonal imbalance

Scientific Name: Vitex agnus-castus 

Common Names: Vitex, Chaste Tree, Chaste Berry, Monk's Pepper

(This is Part I of my Vitex series. See Part II here: How Does Vitex Work in...

PMS Symptoms and Natural Tips to Alleviate Them Forever estrogen hormonal imbalance pms

I went to a cafe the other day and ordered a hot chocolate and salt and vinegar chips. It was a very hot summer day and all I wanted was hot chocolate with some salt on the side!

This is the...