
2 Natural Ways to Improve Thin Uterine Lining estrogen female reproductive system fertility support herbal tea trying to conceive uterine tonic

Have you been told you have thin uterine lining? I have good news for you! This is something you can improve naturally with herbs and diet in as little as 1-3 menstrual cycles. 

I’m a...

How to use Herbs for Emotional PMS Relief female reproductive system pms women's health

Whatever PMS symptoms I’m feeling, emotionally and physically, can usually directly be tied back to how my month went.

Little to no PMS symptoms means I took really good care of myself the...

Vitex: Not (always) the New Pill for Womenā€™s Ills, Part III female reproductive system hormonal imbalance vitex women's health


I know, I know! I’ve said before how much I love Vitex-- a beautiful, potent medicinal plant. And yet. 

Similarly to how Western medicine recommends “the pill” for all...

For the Love of Vitex, Chaste Tree and Monkā€™s Pepper, Part I female reproductive system fertility awareness hormonal imbalance

Scientific Name: Vitex agnus-castus 

Common Names: Vitex, Chaste Tree, Chaste Berry, Monk's Pepper

(This is Part I of my Vitex series. See Part II here: How Does Vitex Work in...

Red Raspberry Leaf: Female Reproductive Tonic as a Delicious Sweet Tea! [Recipe inside] female reproductive system herbal tea uterine tonic women's health

Red Raspberry Leaf and nectarine iced tea in the making! 

Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus) tastes gently sweet and earthy, and is a uterine and pelvic tonic. The way I’ve made it here...