Herbal Teas, Tinctures & Syrups to Protect Lungs from Fire, Smoke, and Toxins
Jan 12, 2025
Pictured above is flowering Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), a perfect herb to protect and fortify the respiratory system amidst fires and smoke.
Many illnesses, diseases, or allergies can arise in the respiratory system if pathogens are not trapped in the nasal passage (nose).
This can happen in two ways: the nasal passage has an insufficient amount of mucous (hot and dry condition) or an excess of mucous (cold and wet condition).
If either condition is present, the respiratory system will not be functioning optimally and is vulnerable to illnesses.
Fires--and the dry, smokey, toxic air that will arise because of fire--will negatively impact the respiratory system.
The good news: there are plenty of herbal remedies that can help support you and help to prevent respiratory damage, allergens, inflammation and infection no matter what age or health condition you may have.
Below, I've linked to herbal remedies ready for purchase from reputable brands I use and trust.
- If you have a respiratory condition, or any other health condition and you’re currently taking pharmaceuticals, always check with a qualified herbalist to make sure you’re taking the appropriate herb(s) and dosage, etc.
- some of these brands have a version just for kids, though most herbs and herbal products can be titrated for child or infant use (the exception is any product with honey since infants 1 yr or younger should not ingest any)
Tinctures / Glycerites
Deep Lung & Bronchial Support by Wish Garden Herbals
Respiratory Strength Daily Support by Wish Garden Herbals
Lobelia Tincture by Mountain Rose Herbs
- (A must have for asthma because it opens the airways, but start with 5 drops in bit of water and a spoonful of raw honey to follow. Increase dosage if needed after 10 minutes.)
Serious Cough by Wish Garden Herbals
Kid Friendly - For Dry Coughs by Cedar Bear
Kid Friendly - For Wet Coughs by Cedar Bear
Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup by Planetary Herbals (great for coughs)
Elderberry Syrup by Honey Gardens (they also have a kids version, so check it out)
Elderberry Syrup by Mythic Medicinals
Breathe Easy Tea, Throat Coat Tea, Licorice Root Tea by Traditional Medicinals
- This is very easy to find at most health food grocery stores or online
Individual loose leaf herbs to buy and make tea with from Mountain Rose Herbs or another supplier (Amazon sometimes sells good organic brands or you can find these herbs at an herbal apothecary)
- Mullein
- Marshmallow Leaf & Root
- Thyme
- Licorice Root
- Wild Cherry Bark
Nose Oil
Great product! If you have a dry nose or nasal cavity, or want to help protect yourself from breathing in pollutants, this is a must have. I use it for myself and my toddler son!
Nasya Oil - Banyan Botanicals
Herbal Facial Steams
Collect your own thyme, rosemary, lavender and rose and mullein leaves. Or buy these individually from an online supplier like Mountain Rose Herbs.
Bring 4 cups of water and a handful or more of fresh or dry herbs to a boil. Simmer with lid on for 1 min. Remove from heat. Drape a bath towel over your head and hover above the steaming water for 5 mins. Great for supporting respiratory health.
Information on The Respiratory System
The respiratory system is responsible for our breathing in of oxygen and expelling of carbon dioxide. The respiratory system consists of the:
- nasal passage - the primary way we breathe in oxygen. It’s warm and full of moisture which helps trap pathogens, or germs that we do not want our body to take in
- bronchi - breathing tubes which split up and get smaller and smaller as it descends to the lungs
- alveoli - air sacks where the gaseous exchange happens (we breathe in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide)
- lung - composed of spongy tissue and the right lung is slightly larger than the left due to the heart
- epithelial cells - cells that are found all over your body, including the nasal passage, that provide protection and boundaries from pathogens, sensory information, transportation, secretion, lubrication, absorption, and movement
- cilia - Cilia are microscopic, hair-like structures found in the respiratory tract that will band together to create a wave-like, pulsating motion, which keeps internal passageways, like the nasal passage, free from foreign particles
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