5 Perks of Pen-to-Paper Menstrual Cycle Charting (That You Just Can't Get From an App)
Nov 14, 2024
Here are top 5 reasons to chart your menstrual cycle and fertility signs using pen-to-paper (Menstrual Calendar Journal):
Better for Learning
Research* shows that people learn best when writing, pen-to-paper (if you or someone you love is wanting to use the fertility awareness method for health or reproductive reasons, pen to paper is the way to go for at least a year).
Independence from Technology
Are you seeking time and independence away from technology? You're not alone.
If you've been feeling disconnected from yourself, it's probably because you've been plugged into technology, the news and social media.
Love, it's time to put down the phone, and plug back into yourself, with a daily journaling practice designed for your female body, and all its ebbs and flows.
Conceptualize Your Cycles in a Circular, Not Linear Way
Witness your body unfold cycle after cycle, how it responds to times of high stress or love, nutrition and self-care, is a visually stunning health diagnostic tool and work of art!
Conceptualizing your cycle by way of a circular calendar is so helpful as one starts to tune in and become aware of cyclical patterns, fertility signs, symptoms and strengths.
Body Literacy
You are the best, most qualified person to take care of your body, IF you take the time to learn about your body.
One of the best ways for women to do this is through fertility awareness and body literacy, or ”learning to read and understand the language of our body” as phrased by Megan Lalonde.
Plan Your Life with Your Cycle in Mind
Life becomes a lot easier as a woman when you can plan your life with your cycle in mind (which you can learn about doing in the Menstrual Calendar Journal).
This smart, female-friendly strategy helps you live attuned to your hormonal and energetic ebbs and flows.
It can save you cycle after cycle from swamping your schedule and overcommitting when your body and psyche is primed to be more withdrawn and introspective (progesterone!), and help you take advantage of the weeks of high estrogen, when you’re naturally more social, quick-witted and energetic.
Grab your Menstrual Calendar Journal today! It's undated and fully customizable to support your reproductive, health and happiness goals!
Sources Cited
*CHARLOTTE HU, CHARLOTTE. “Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning.” Scientific American, 21 Feb. 2024, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-writing-by-hand-is-better-for-memory-and-learning/.
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