Learn how to use natural birth control with fertility charting

so that you can enjoy your love life without worrying about getting pregnant, using birth control, or relying on (unreliable) apps

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Learn how to use natural birth control with fertility charting

so that you can enjoy your love life without worrying about getting pregnant, using birth control, or relying on (unreliable) apps

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My hunch is you're here because

  • Taking the pill or using the ring or IUD is just not sitting right with you

  •  You’re curious about what having your natural cycle back would be like

  • You want to rebalance your hormones and replenish your health 
  • You've been using a predictive app, but you're ready to learn how to chart and interpret your own cycle and fertility

You’re done with birth control, but you do NOT want to get pregnant (at least not now… someday later, when you’re ready).

Getting off birth control can be bring up fear. I've been in your shoes!

But I can promise you that on the other side of that fear— fear of the unknown, fear of an unplanned pregnancy, fear of how your body might react after getting off birth control—there is another version of you that's important for you to meet.

When you have knowledge, fear goes away.

Learning the SymptoThermal fertility awareness method for highly effective natural birth control is your ticket to the version of you on the other side of fear! 

These women chart their cycles for natural birth control and hormonal health.

You can be one of them, too!


FAM in Four Weeks:

Learn the Fertility Awareness Method So You Can Ditch Synthetic Birth Control Forever, Read Your Body with Certainty, and Build Your Future Holistically

Video Poster Image
  • Learn how to confidently identify the fertile days of your menstrual cycle, so you can avoid pregnancy naturally
  • See what your hormones are up to each cycle so you can fix any hormonal imbalances 
  • Use the magic of your menstrual cycle to positively impact the trajectory of your life 
  • Have the tools to become an active participant in your reproductive wellbeing so you’ll never feel clueless when it comes to your body and cycle again
  • Learn best practices to keep your hormones happy so you can be too

See Your Program Curriculum!

Module / Week 1

Foundations of a Successful Charting Practice  

  • Let's learn how the SymptoThermal Fertility Awareness Based Method has a 99.6% efficacy rate as a natural contraceptive method
  • Intentions: meeting your goals for contraception and self-awareness
  • Tips to save you time and money: what gadgets you (don't) need
Module / Week 2


  • We'll learn about the hormonal differences between a "perfect" 28-day menstrual cycle vs. short, long, irregular, heavy bleeds, and how to take care of yourself so you can get your cycle back in balance
  • Don't have a 28-day cycle? SymptoThermal method will still work for you!
 Module / Week 3

Perfecting the Art of "Checking"

We'll cover:

  • Everything you need to understand about your cervical fluid 
  • The (totally optional) cervix check- why, when, how and the benefits
  • Basal body temperature: why do it, why in the a.m., what to do if you’re not a great sleeper, etc, what basal temperature indicates about your fertility, adrenal and thyroid health
Module / Week 4

Time to Walk the Walk

  • Contraception rules and what to do if you don’t have regular cycles
  • Let's put everything you've learned into practice with sample charts  
Bonus Training

Power to the People!

  • We'll cover 

    • Nutrient depletion after coming off hormonal birth control or from other causes and how to replenish yourself
    • Herbal medicine, food, lifestyle and supplement tips for cycle health and fertility so that you always have holistic options if / when you discover a hormonal imbalance or other health concerns in your chart
    • The strengths associated with each of the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle: menstruation, pre-ovulatory, ovulation, and pre-menstrual. 

You thought you were being responsible by being on hormonal birth control.

But now your body is telling you it’s time for change.

Maybe you thought it was the only way to avoid pregnancy naturally or deal with your health condition (like PCOS, acne, endometriosis, fibroids, irregular cycles, extreme pain, etc.).

I know what it's like to be on birth control thinking it was helpful and supportive, to suddenly realizing it isn't.

Check out these case studies below. You'll see you're not alone!

Learn everything you need to confidently use natural birth control with one of the options below! 

Choose from a range of program support options and payment options. 

FAM in 4 Weeks: Self-Paced Program


Payment plans available at checkout

  • 4 Core Training Modules (self-paced)
  • Downloadable learning materials
  • Access to all program content for 1 full year 
  • Direct communication with me if you have any learning clarification questions (course content only)

FAM in 4 Weeks + Individual Mentorship


Payment plans available at checkout

  • Everything that comes with the FAM in 4 Weeks Program
  • 3-month mentorship with me, 1:1 session per month with support in between 
  • Bring your charts and any challenges to me
  • Consult with me about herbs and/or have a custom herbal formula(s) made for you, by me.

Schedule your call with me today!

You've got questions, I have answers! Sometimes it's helpful to speak with me before deciding if you want to embark on your fertility awareness journey— up to you! I'm here if you want to chat first. If you don't find a time that works, email me instead: [email protected]

(Pressure-free, complimentary call)

Let's Chat

My name's Veronica and I used to have complete disregard for my body. 

That sentence is hard to write because my current life is so different.

I've been charting my cycles for 10 years now to:

  • successfully avoid pregnancy
  • achieve pregnancy easily when I was ready
  • gauge my own health each cycle
  • connect with myself as my own inner authority, deepen my relationship with myself, and God/Source

But I'm getting ahead of myself...

Read below if you want to hear how I got started, after 10 years of hormonal birth control. 

I didn't make the connection at the time, but being cut-off from the natural rhythm and hormones from my menstrual cycle allowed me to be disconnected from myself.

I was unhappy, lost, and health issues were popping up.

I knew something was wrong.

I had been having progressively worse pain in my uterus over a year or so, and I wanted my IUD removed.

I didn’t want to try another type of hormonal birth control or the copper IUD, having already been on one form or another from ages 15-25 (shot, ring, pill, etc.).

Towards the end, my body started giving me signs that I couldn’t ignore anymore.

I didn't know what my next steps would be, but my mind was made up and I excitedly set up my IUD removal appointment!

As fate would have it, because I promised myself that I would find a better way, the road rose up to meet me and I serendipitously stumbled upon an article, and learned that natural birth control was a thing. What?!

I told my doctor about the pain I had been experiencing, and that it just didn't feel right to be on birth control anymore.

I told her how I discovered the perfect alternative for me—natural birth control using the SymptoThermal fertility awareness method! I was so proud of myself and I thought she would be proud, too, lol.

I was totally blind-sided by my doctor's reaction. She couldn’t have been less supportive about my choice to get off birth control.

When the day came to get my IUD removed, my doctor was unable to locate it—my IUD had dislodged from my uterine wall.

I told her, “See, I told you something was wrong!” 

My rose colored glasses were taken off at this moment, and I'm grateful for it.

My world view changed. I realized, “Oh… I’m supposed to be taking care of myself!”

I'm the best, most qualified person to take care of and manage my own fertility.

My ticket to meeting the new version of myself was fertility education and self-awareness.

Being attuned to one's menstrual cycle—an inner compass— is a gift that I wish every woman could have. Especially in today’s world, where it’s hard to know what’s true.

Once my natural cycle returned, I was no longer lost. I had my inner compass back.

I went to herb school to learn how to naturally get rid of my health issues that had emerged. I loved it so much that...

fast forward ten years, I’m a Registered Herbalist, specializing in menstrual cycles and fertility.

It became clear really early on in my clinical practice that my clients were just as illiterate about their menstrual cycles as I had been.

So I took a 2-year training to teach the fertility awareness method and sexual reproductive health at a professional level.

Which leads me here to you now.

You wouldn't have read this far if you didn’t know you needed to change something, too.

And although you may not find support for learning about the intricacies of your fertility at the doctor's office, you will find support here with me, and among the countless other women who have paved a path to a better life using the fertility awareness method. 


It finally feels like putting all the puzzle pieces together.

There's a lot of shame and embarrassment surrounding periods, fluids, infections, etc. and it felt very nice to be in a space and talk openly about every aspect of a cycle without it being awkward or shameful and just a woman to woman real conversation about cycles and health."

- Sarah S., Student

I felt very validated after many years of being dismissed when I tried to share my charts looking for answers.

I felt understood holistically and not just in this one aspect of my health. I loved the herbalism that Veronica is able to bring into the discussions and felt hopeful after our sessions together. I also learned I had been drawing coverlines wrong which could have been impacting things in the past, but now I know how to do it correctly.

- Jenna T., Charting Client

It feels invaluable to have that 1:1 support, especially when first getting started or when you have suspicion of cycle / hormonal imbalance. 

It's clear that this is something you really care about and we need that in women's health...people that are genuinely interested, concerned, and passionate about helping you become more body literate."

- Sara, Student

FAM in 4 Weeks Is For You

If You:

Mentality / Maturity

  • Want to take more responsibility for your wellbeing
  • Do not want to rely on an app to tell you if you're fertile or not. (I'll teach you how to chart on paper. Once you master that, then using the only app I recommend, Read Your Body, is a great way to store data and interpret your own charts) 
  • Recognize that only you can know yourself best, and one of the best ways for females to do this is through charting their cycles 
  • Are excited to begin a new lifestyle that has about a 3~ month learning curve. I'll be right there with you!

FAM is newer to me and some of the topics can be uncomfortable to discuss, but Veronica always made me feel safe and helped me become comfortable using the SymptoThermal method. I’d highly recommend Veronica as an instructor!

- Jess B., Student

I felt able to share about my choices without any judgement being made and gained a better understanding of the mucus I was seeing with the use of better descriptive words. I felt very well cared for. 

- Katie M., Charting Client

Even over Zoom, Veronica has a calming and present energy that put me at ease.  Her care and concern for her clients is evident in the questions she asks, the details she picks up on, and the service she provides. 

- Meg, Herbal Client

What's at stake for you?


A decade of being on hormonal birth control myself, 4 years working at a herbal clinic (with reproductive issues of all sorts), and currently supporting women at a fertility clinic, I need to share the the harsh reality with you

Settling for the status quo of hormonal birth control is costing you. It’s costing you the opportunity to:

  • learn about your body, get to know yourself, what you’re like as an adult woman, without a pharmaceutical messing with your personality, health, your desires and knowing who you are
  • uncover a potential health concern because birth control, not always, but many times, covers things up so you may not know that your health needs attention

Right now, you desire to avoid pregnancy.

But your desire can flip like a switch.

Will your body be up to speed with your new desire?

There is a real issue that comes from being on hormonal birth control for 10 years, to suddenly being 33 for example and wanting to conceive, only to realize something's off.

The next step for you, per mainstream society, is to turn to your allopathic medical provider, who with the best of intentions, will open the floodgates of medical intervention, which will impact you emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially, and not in good ways.

This is entirely preventable! You can skip the heartache, headache and physical and financial burdens of society’s status quo standard of care for you and your fertility.

You can choose better for current you and future you— whatever your reproductive desires may be—by mastering the SymptoThermal fertility awareness method.


Take the leap! By next year, you could be:

  • Free from hormonal birth control 
  • healthier and happier
  • using your cycle as a source of inner guidance 
I want to learn the Fertility Awareness Method with you!