Learn how to use natural birth control with fertility charting

so that you can enjoy your love life without worrying about getting pregnant, using birth control, or relying on (unreliable) apps

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Learn how to use natural birth control with fertility charting

so that you can enjoy your love life without worrying about getting pregnant, using birth control, or relying on (unreliable) apps

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My hunch is you're here because

  • Taking the pill or using the ring or IUD is just not sitting right with you

  •  You’re curious about what having your natural cycle back would be like

  • You want to rebalance your hormones and replenish your health

You’re done with birth control, but you do NOT want to get pregnant (at least not now… someday later, when you’re ready).

Getting off birth control can be overwhelming. I’ve been in your shoes!

Now, after 9 years of successfully using natural birth control myself, I can mentor you to do the same.

I'm a certified Fertility Awareness Educator and a trusted clinical herbalist in the women's health space.

These women chart their cycles for natural birth control.

You can be one of them, too!


FAM in Four Weeks:

Learn the Fertility Awareness Method So You Can Ditch Synthetic Birth Control Forever, Read Your Body with Certainty, and Build Your Future Holistically

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Live Mentorship With Me

4 Core Training Modules, Individual & Group Mentorship 

  • Learn how to confidently identify the fertile days of your menstrual cycle, so you can avoid pregnancy naturally
  • See what your hormones are up to each cycle so you can fix any hormonal imbalances 
  • Use the magic of your menstrual cycle to positively impact the trajectory of your life 
  • Have the tools to become an active participant in your reproductive wellbeing so you’ll never feel clueless when it comes to your body and cycle again
  • Learn best practices to keep your hormones happy so you can be too

FAM in Four Weeks

  • 4 Core Training Modules (self-paced and pre-recorded content in a private member platform)
  • 1 private 1:1 session with me after you have completed the course modules
  • Downloadable learning materials
  • BONUS: Two LIVE group coaching sessions at the end of week 2 and week 4 
  • Introduced to a community of like minded women, Priceless!

FAM in Four Weeks: Learn the Fertility Awareness Method So You Can Ditch Synthetic Birth Control Forever, Read Your Body with Certainty, and Build Your Future Holistically 

See FAQ below for program Dates / Logstics

Are you ready to change your life?


Yes, Veronica! I'm Ready! Sign. Me. Up.


My name's Veronica.


My journey into holistic wellness began after 10 years of being on hormonal birth control...

and various medications for acne, and having complete disregard for my body in many other ways (reckless drinking, careless sex).

Being cut-off from my menstrual cycle allowed me to be disconnected from myself. When I turned 25, I suddenly didn’t want to be on birth control anymore, or take antibiotics for acne anymore.

I didn’t know what my next steps would be, but I was determined and the road rose up to meet me. 

I began night school to study herbalism and started reading about natural birth control. I began using herbal medicine for acne, and using the SymptoThermal method of Fertility Awareness as natural birth control.

I saw and felt the benefits of cycle charting and using herbs for my health in daily life. My friends would curiously ask me "What is it that you're doing for birth control again?"

I decided to make a resource so other women could learn about herbalism and chart their cycles, too. I self-published my Menstrual Calendar Journal, it got a lot of praise & sold out, and so I made a 2nd edition, which you can buy on my website.

Fast forward to now...


 I’m a certified Fertility Awareness Educator recognized by the Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals, which has the highest standards, internationally, for certified fertility awareness educators.

I'm also a clinical Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild, which designates that I've had robust clinical experience working successfully with clients and botanical medicine.

I use botanical medicine and fertility charts to positively impact women’s health, and it is my mission for women to know that there is a loving, holistic way to “manage” their fertility and health.

I mentored clinical herbalists for two years at the Berkeley Herbal Center and am currently a mentor to women who want to learn the Fertility Awareness Method. 

See Your Program Curriculum!


A mix of:

  • Individual mentorship from me with a 1:1 session that fits your schedule
  • Prerecorded content (so you can learn as it fits your schedule)
  • LIVE group coaching 
    • Can't join live? No worries! Recordings will be available for those who can not attend live.


WEEK 1 (Released July 8th)

Foundations of a Successful Charting Practice 

You can chart confidently once you understand the science behind the method 

  • Let's learn all about how the Fertility Awareness Method (I use and teach the SymptoThermal fertility awareness method) has a 99.6% efficacy rate as a natural contraceptive method. 
  • Intentions: meeting your goals for contraception and self-awareness
  • Tips to save you time and money: what gadgets you (don't) need
  • Apps vs. paper charting (pros and cons of each).
WEEK 2 (Released July 15th)


Get crystal clear on how your body works so you can interpret your own fertility charts. Learn about:

  • The difference between a "perfect, textbook" menstrual cycle vs. short, long, erratic, heavy bleeds, and more.
  • Don't have a 28-day cycle? SymptoThermal method will still work for you!
 WEEK 3 (Released July 22nd)

Perfecting the Art of "Checking"

So you're not confused about what your unique body is telling you. We'll learn:

  • How-to observe and categorize cervical fluid
  • The (totally optional) cervix check- why, when, how and the benefits
  • Basal body temperature: why do it, why in the a.m., what to do if you’re not a great sleeper, etc, what basal temperature indicates about your fertility, adrenal and thyroid health
  • How to make cervical fluid and BBT techniques doable for your busy life! 
WEEK 4 (Released July 29th)

Time to Walk the Walk

Let's put everything you've learned into practice!

  • We'll go over each nook and cranny of the chart and practice with sample charts 
  • Walking you through everything so graphs, coverlines, etc. will no longer feel overwhelming
  • Contraception rules and what to do if you don’t have regular cycles
  • Contraception options during each phase of your cycle, including what to do if you make a "mistake" 
BONUS TRAINING (Released July 29th)

Power to the People!

Herbal medicine for cycle health and fertility so that you always have holistic options if / when you discover a hormonal imbalance or other health concerns in your chart

  • Navigating hormonal imbalances
  • Nutrient depletion after coming off hormonal birth control or from other causes and how to replenish yourself

FAM in 4 Weeks Is For You

If You:

Mentality / Maturity

  • Want to take more responsibility for your wellbeing
  • Do not want to rely on an app to tell you if you're fertile or not. (I'll teach you how to chart on paper. Once you master that, then using the only app I recommend, Read Your Body, is a great way to store data and interpret your own charts) 
  • Recognize that only you can know yourself best, and one of the best ways for females to do this is through charting their cycles 
  • Are excited to begin a new lifestyle that has about a 3~ month learning curve. I'll be right there with you!

It finally feels like putting all the puzzle pieces together.

There's a lot of shame and embarrassment surrounding periods, fluids, infections, etc. and it felt very nice to be in a space and talk openly about every aspect of a cycle without it being awkward or shameful and just a woman to woman real conversation about cycles and health."

- Sarah S., Student

I felt very validated after many years of being dismissed when I tried to share my charts looking for answers.

I felt understood holistically and not just in this one aspect of my health. I loved the herbalism that Veronica is able to bring into the discussions and felt hopeful after our sessions together. I also learned I had been drawing coverlines wrong which could have been impacting things in the past, but now I know how to do it correctly.

- Jenna T., Charting Client

It feels invaluable to have that 1:1 support, especially when first getting started or when you have suspicion of cycle / hormonal imbalance. 

It's clear that this is something you really care about and we need that in women's health...people that are genuinely interested, concerned, and passionate about helping you become more body literate."

- Sara, Student

FAM is newer to me and some of the topics can be uncomfortable to discuss, but Veronica always made me feel safe and helped me become comfortable using the SymptoThermal method. I’d highly recommend Veronica as an instructor!

- Jess B., Student

I felt able to share about my choices without any judgement being made and gained a better understanding of the mucus I was seeing with the use of better descriptive words. I felt very well cared for. 

- Katie M., Charting Client

Even over Zoom, Veronica has a calming and present energy that put me at ease.  Her care and concern for her clients is evident in the questions she asks, the details she picks up on, and the service she provides. 

- Meg, Herbal Client

Have a Q that I haven’t answered for you? Email me at [email protected] and I’ll be right with you.

Take the leap! By next year, you could be:

  • Free from hormonal birth control 
  • healthier and happier
  • using your cycle as a source of inner guidance 
I want to learn the Fertility Awareness Method with you!